February 19, 2008

Great Ideas but No Execution?

I had an FRG Leader contact me yesterday. She said that one of her Volunteers had contacted her with ideas of how things should be run, meeting ideas, etc. The FRG Leader praised her for her great ideas and asked if she would like to be in charge of a future meeting, setting it up, getting a flyer together, and help take care of other little details.

The Volunteer's response (my paraphrase), "Oh, no! I have too much on my hands with my very active little child and other family responsibilities. I think we had a misunderstanding. I wanted to SHARE my ideas, make suggestions, but absolutely can't commit to anything else at this time."

I have mixed feelings about this situation and will post more later. What do YOU think?

Chaotic Mom's input: I thought about this one all day. My first thought was, "So, tell the leader how to run the show, but don't offer any help?" And the truth is, we don't know all the details. Maybe this person is judgemental, thinks things should be run HER way, but doesn't want to do the work to make it happen.

I like Kristen's positive comment to the post, "Sometimes we just have to take whatever people have to give. If ideas are all they can give, then so be it." This is a VERY positive attitude. Something I need to think about and could learn from.

Leading an FRG can be a very tough job. Each group will be very unique, depending on the make up of its members. While it's good to keep an open mind to ideas others may have, it can also be important to support the group in some way, too. Maybe sharing ideas is one way this Volunteer can contribute to her group. Hopefully there are others in the group who can help the FRG Leader with the execution of the Volunteer's meeting ideas. I am a big believer in "TEAMWORK". We are all individual parts of the bigger team picture.

Hmmm... Another post idea just came to mind. ;)


Kristen said...

Hello, I found your blog through my sister's blog Army Wife Is My Life. I have to tell you that this is ohhhh so common! Having been an Army wife for ten years, I have seen many situations like this and to be honest,I have been that person before. I was going to school, working full time, plus wife and mom of two. My time was booked but if I was invited to give ideas I would go and do what I could. Sometimes we just have to take whatever people have to give. If ideas are all they can give, then so be it. This blog is a wonderful idea by the way!

Mrs. Mootz said...

I completely agree with Kristen. Sometimes you have to just take what you can get. If the ideas are good and can be utilized then there's no reason to not use them just because the idea-giver can't help implement them at this time. If you have hard feelings and don't use good ideas then its skin off your own nose.

Great blog!!

Unknown said...

I agree wit both women and as a PTO Vice President AND an FRG co-leader I've found that there are so many that are willing to give ideas, but not willing to execute. It's frustrating to say theleast because on one hand you appreciate good ideas, but on the other hand you would greatly appreciate the HELP! I mean, as leaders, we too lead very busy home lives but still manage to give our extra time to volunteering for a good cause. It's mixed for me as well.